Philosophy and Business Psychology
Book List

Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ
by Daniel Goleman

This is a great book with insight into other aspects of our intelligence. It’s useful for anyone who is interested in understanding our behavior and how it impacts our surroundings and reaction from other people.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
by Robert Cialdini

This is simply a superb business book that addresses the psychology of human nature and how people are persuaded. Whether you are a manager, pastor, volunteer, or any manner of professional – this book will add immense value to your career. With a well-written, intelligent, and entertaining manner, Cialdini offers his scientific-based view of influence. This is mandatory reading for success in a home business.

The Worldly Philosophers : The Lives, Times And Ideas Of The Great Economic Thinkers
by Robert L. Heilbroner

This is one of the best single-volume on economics ever written. It provides a great summary and analysis of the great Economic thinkers from Adam Smith, Karl Marx, David Ricardo, Mill, Keynes, Schumpeter and others. While staying general in nature, it is not extremely analytical or scholarly. The author explains the multi-disciplined nature of economics as a combination of sociology, history, politics, and philosophy.

Conversations with Millionaires
by Mike Litman

It's very difficult to reproduce the “specific” actions that other millionaires used to achieve their wealth. Instead, you need to master the thought processes that motivated the initiation of those lucrative actions of millionaires so that you can come up with your own creative sources of wealth. Full of insightful interviews with business legends: Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, Wally “Famous” Amos, Jack Canfield, Robert Allen, Sharon Lechter, Michael Gerber, Jim McCann, and Jay Conrad Levinson.

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